Quantum Bioelectric Therapy – Upgrade from Silver to Platinum 银配套升级至白金配套
Quantum Bioelectric Therapy – Upgrade from Silver to Platinum
Quantum Bioelectric Therapy (QBT) works by using electrical impulses to stimulate or modulate nerve cells in the body. By manipulating the electrical signals within the nervous system, QBT can help regulate neural activity and restore normal function in people with neurological disorders. QBT also can heat the body up to 42°C, which can damage the cancer cells in our body. It is a new and safe, drug-free technology used to treat some chronic pain and acute pain conditions such as complex regional pain syndrome, back pain, muscle pain, S scoliosis, uneven shoulders, headaches, realignment and improve nerve, muscle, meridians and glandular imbalances and etc. 量子生物电 (QBT)通过使用电脉冲刺激和调节体内的神经细胞来发挥作用。通过操纵神经系统内的电信号,QBT可以帮助调节神经活动并恢复神经系统疾病患者的正常功能。QBT还可以将体温提高至 42°C,这个温度足以破坏癌细胞。它是一种新型,安全,无药物的技术,专用于疗理一些慢性疼痛和急性疼痛病症包括复杂性局部疼痛综合征,背部疼痛,肌肉疼痛,S型,高低肩/背,头痛/偏头痛,重新调整和改善神经,肌肉,经络和腺体失衡等等。