Oceanic Jetpack Travel System Scuba diving bcd
Oceanic Jetpack Travel System Scuba diving bcd
The Oceanic Jetpack is the ultimate solution for airline carry-on & transport to and from the dive site. It’s a true hybrid, not a bag and more than just a mere BC. Oceanic took a long look at what it means to travel with scuba gear to a destination and realized quickly that it didn’t make sense to take a BC, your heaviest and most bulky piece of your kit with shoulder straps, and stuff it into a bag – so you could carry it… By combining a semi-dry day bag with a one size fits all fully-adjustable travel BC, Oceanic has managed to create a travel system that can carry a complete set of dive gear (regulator’s, computer, fins, suit, etc.) and travel amenities (clothing, toiletry kit, computer, etc.) easily for multi-day travel, even a week depending on how you pack… all in only one bag.