DERM CLAR Despigmentante x 5box
DERM CLAR Despigmentante x 5box
Biological Depigmenting
Kojic Acid: Used for removing skin patches, it acts on the melanocytes inhibiting melanin synthesis by blocking the L-Tyrosine, an amino acid precursor of melanin. Provides softness to the skin and causes no irritation or photosensitivity.
Lactic Acid: Improves photo affected skin (depigmentation). Hydrates and rejuvenates the skin. Exfoliating and regenerating. Antimicrobial agent. Regulates PH level, purifies the skin and cleans clogged pores.
The presence of Glycyrrhizic Acid enhances the benefits of A. Kojic and Lactic.
Effect on age spots in vivo.
Efect on skin color in vivo on Asians phenotypes.
Similar to Hydroquinone, without its undesirable effect.
Effect on age spots in vivo. Efect on skin color in vivo on Asians phenotypes.